Welcome to Namashade, where the bad bitch in me sees the bad bitch in you!

At Namashade, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality products that help you reach your goals and dreams so you can live life to its fullest potential.

Why our logo is a Dandelion:

The dandelion, with its delicate yellow petals and wispy seeds dancing in the wind, holds profound symbolism in various cultures and interpretations. Often regarded as a symbol of resilience, the dandelion represents the ability to thrive and find beauty in challenging environments. Its ability to grow in the most unlikely places, pushing through cracks in concrete or emerging amidst a field of grass, serves as a reminder of the human spirit's strength and adaptability. The transformation of the dandelion's bright yellow flower into a cluster of white, fluffy seeds that disperse with a gentle breath symbolizes hope, possibility, and the power of dispersing one's dreams and aspirations far and wide. The dandelion's symbolism encourages us to embrace change, find strength in adversity, and cherish the simple joys of life that can be found even in the most unexpected circumstances.

When you blow on a dandelion's fluffy white seeds, the act is often seen as making a wish or sending your intentions out into the world. Each seed represents a possibility or a dream, and by blowing on the dandelion, you are believed to be releasing your desires or aspirations into the universe.

The act of blowing on a dandelion can be seen as a metaphor for letting go and surrendering to the flow of life. It symbolizes a willingness to release control and trust in the process of manifestation or the fulfillment of your wishes. It encourages you to have faith in the universe's ability to bring about positive outcomes and invites a sense of hope and possibility.

Each morning when you use your Manifestation water bottle and tea infuser, we want to help you plant the seeds that will have you grow into your full potential.

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We are passionate about what we do and look forward to serving you. Thank you for choosing Namashade!